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Careers and VET Services


We are celebrating the success of our 2021 Year 12 Graduates and will share some of the highlights over the coming weeks. Preliminary analysis of Year 12 Destinations information has revealed over 80% of our students received an offer for university for 2022 with 95% receiving an offer for their first or second preference. Class of 2021 student Nadia Spaccavento is currently attending The University of Technology Sydney to study Fashion Design and Innovation. This course had an ATAR cut off of 98, however Nadia secured her place in the course with an early application based predominantly on her Year 11 achievements and projected Year 12 grades. Contact is still being made with graduates and we offer support in their transition and will finalise our 2021 Destination Report. To maintain contact, we ask that past students update any changes to their personal details by clicking here.


The first key date for 2022 has arrived. Students who have their name on a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card who wish to sit the UCAT as a requirement for entry to Medicine Dentistry and/or Oral Health should be aware the Concession Application is now open on the UCAT ANZ website and will close on 10 May 2022. These students can apply and have first choice in the date they wish to sit the UCAT. All other students need to wait until 1 March 2022. Students who qualify for Concession as per the website should book an appointment with Ms Coorey ASAP. We will be communicating with any student interested in Medicine Dentistry and/or Oral Health in the coming weeks. To make an appointment with a Careers Counsellor, please visit Mrs Tidd at the LEC Front Desk.

University of Melbourne have opened their Aspiring Scholars Program. 2022 Aspiring Scholars is for high-achieving secondary students in their final year who live in Australia outside of Victoria or in New Zealand, to join their online community of Aspiring Scholars – students connected by their interest in moving to Melbourne to study at the University of Melbourne. If you are interested, students need to contact Ms Coorey who can initiate the application. Please click here for more information.

University of Adelaide have announced their 2022 Arts Workshops. Students can take part in interactive workshops crafted for students to discover how the Arts can take them into exciting global careers.

Choose one or choose them all, from French, English, Criminology, History, Creative Writing, Media, and Geography. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of discipline-based learning with hands-on activities and seminars delivered by current university students and world-leading academics.

Workshops available:

Tuesday 12 April – History Workshop
Thursday 14 April – Geography Workshop
Tuesday 5 July – Media Day
Tuesday 20 September – English and Creative Writing Workshops
Friday 30 September – Criminology Workshop

Year 12 students who are interested in attending should email arts_recruitment@adelaide.edu.au. Please note that as these workshops are conducted during school hours, students must discuss this with relevant class teachers and Year Level Directors in the first instance.


Each year we encourage community members to contact us if you have employment opportunities for our students. We currently have two 2021 Year 12 graduates still looking for part time casual employment in the retail space. Neither of these students have experience in the job market and are struggling to secure their first step and may require that extra bit of support. We would love to hear from you if your business could support these students.

Mrs Rose Coorey and Mr Anthony Vizaniaris, Careers Counsellors