Absentee Line - Text 0417 596 611 or Phone Primary 8150 2397, Secondary 8150 2323 or Email student.reception@smc.sa.edu.au

Careers and VET Services

Year 12 Students and families

We wish the Year 12 students all the best in the final stage of their SACE assessments and we will continue to send students and parent Career information emails right through until SACE results release. Monday 19th December will be the day we will be here at the College to support students on SACE Results Release Day.

The Year 12 students have recently completed an Intended Destination Survey and have provided their private emails on this and it is that email we will begin using from mid November. As students change emails or mobiles we ask they email rose.coorey@smc.sa.edu.au so we can keep the database up to date. If students secure employment we would also like to know so we can amend this on the database and of course celebrate that – as they transition to become a part of our Old Scholars group, which provides a range of opportunities and reunions in the future.

Year 11 and Year 12 SACE Community Learning Extra SACE Points

Students can get extra SACE points for their participation in various approved Community Learning activities. These points cannot contribute to the compulsory sections within SACE, but once listed, they do generate points in excess of the 200 required to achieve SACE. There is no other advantage of having extra SACE points beyond the set 200, but it may be nice to have the actual approved Community Learning Activity acknowledged and recorded on a student’s SACE Record of Achievement.

If students have been involved in Community experiences like Surf Lifesaving, Duke of Edinburgh, Music and Dance qualifications, Cadets, etc then it is worth checking out the link of approved involvement.
https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/studying/recognised-learning/community-learning and click on the link for Recognised Community Developed Programs

If a student wishes to claim these SACE points they can collect a form from the Display Wall in the LEC, complete it and attach colour photocopies of the required certificates and return to Mr Schirripa via Student Service ASAP. Ms Coorey, Career Counsellor is also available to help with any questions.

Parents and Guardian’s Guide for School Leavers

The Parents and Guardian’s Guide for School Leavers summarises the resources and information available to help you explore all the education, training, and work options available to your young person.

Parents and Guardian’s Guide for School Leavers (Word 426KB)
The Parents and Guardian’s Guide has also been translated into additional languages.

The School Leavers Information Kit contains more detail and is designed for your young person to help them navigate their post school options.

If you have a young person with a disability or special education need who is a school leaver, you can also contact the School Leavers Information Service for tailored support or guidance for your young person. Call 1800 CAREER(External website) (1800 227 337) to speak with an Information Officer.


We provide this information and link to the Spark Their Future website created and managed by the Queensland Education Department, called Spark Their Future. It has a wealth of resources and covers many topics relevant to parenting teens. Topics range from mental health, decision making, anger management, bullying, homework, subject selection etc. Whilst it has a Queensland perspective many resources and useful no matter what state.

Upcoming Information Sessions

TAFESA Art Design Courses
• TAFE SA | Arts and Design Information Sessions

Wednesday 2 November
6.00 – 8.00pm
TAFE SA, Adelaide Campus

Find out more about the following courses on offer at TAFE SA:
• Advanced Diploma Program in Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising (Generalist)
• Certificate III in Applied Fashion Design and Technology
• Bachelor of Creative Arts (Fashion) – Flinders University
• Bachelor of Creative Arts (Costume Design) – Flinders University

Graduating Year 12 students looking for an overseas experience in 2023

Camp America

Camp Counsellor USA
CCUSA is one of Australia’s top summer camp and international work adventure specialist
We have something for everyone!

WORK IN SUMMER CAMPS: You could be working at a summer camp in America, Canada, Croatia or Russia, leading a group of children in various activities including sports, arts, water and outdoor adventures and many more.
 WORK IN SKI RESORTS: Spend a winter season working and playing at one of the premier ski resorts in the US & Canada.
 WORK IN THE UK: Pubs work
 WORK IN USA: Job in your degree field, Tourism, Hospitality and many more.
These are just a few of the great opportunities CCUSA can provide you!

Since 1985, we have been dedicated to providing the highest level of service in summer camp jobs, work and travel experiences and volunteer adventures. We have placed hundreds of thousands of young people in positions at summer camps and seasonal jobs across the USA, as well as in other countries around the world.
CCUSA is an American owned company whose head office is based in San Rafael, California. With a fulltime office and many more local representatives based right here in Australia – we have the support network, knowledge and expertise to assist you in your ultimate international adventure.
If you’re ready to take off on your own overseas adventure, simply browse through our available programs and pick one that is perfect for you. We’ll help you do the rest

International College of Hotel Management ICHM

Discovery Day
Come and see why ICHM was named the best hotel and hospitality school in Australia.
• Wed 9 Nov 20222 9.30am- 2.30pm
• Thur 8 Dec 2022 9.30am- 2.30pm
Register to come along!

Discovery Day 2022 (ichm.edu.au)

Year 11 Students considering taking on an approved University Subject in 2023.

Within SACE there are very generous provisions for a Year 12 student to undertake a University/ Higher Education Subject. Students apply to the College for approval and then to the University. Students can undertake one subject each semester and it can contribute to a students ATAR. BUT please be aware because it is factored in to the ATAR as Recognised Studies, only the University Higher Ed subject(s) or a Certificate 3 can be included. Given the value of the experience in transitioning to university, the very generous conversation of a University grade to a scaled score, and possibly the opportunity to get credit at that particular University it is something high achieving students should consider. For students aiming for an ATAR above 98 and who are very organised. It does require a very independent, self-motivated approach. Students can pick options where they attend the university in person or do subjects online. We have emailed all Year 11 students directly and students can collect a handout from the Display Wall in the LEC. Interested students need to submit the St Michael’s application by November 18th to Mr O’Reilly in Student Services. It is very important that the expression of interest is driven by the student as a measure of their personal interest and commitment. We do not approve students taking on Higher Education on top of a full load back at St Michael’s College. If students want more information they can book in to see Ms Coorey, Career Counsellor.

Some links to dive deeper:
The conversion from the University level of achievement to Scaled Score for ATAR is very generous
See: https://www.satac.edu.au/recognised-studies

More Information can be found at:
University of Adelaide HeadStart Program
Note: There is an upcoming information session, but this is held after Expression of Interest forms due here at the College: The annual Headstart Scholarship Program Information session has been scheduled the details are below:

Wednesday 23rd November
5:30 – 6:30pm
Braggs Lecture Theatre

Hear more about: Entry criteria and application, What to expect, Services available to support Headstart participants, SACE recognition and contribution towards the Selection Rank.
Registrations are mandatory and must be done so through this link:

Flinders University Extension Studies Program
University of South Australia Accelerate Program

Note: The UniSA Accelerate applications close Wednesday 30 November 2022
UniSA Accelerate Webinar

Date: Tuesday 8 November
Time: 5.30pm – 6.30pm (ACST)
Registrations: Online

Australian Defence Force CYBERGAP Program

Applications close 31st October

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) Cyber Gap program is a 12-month online program designed to enhance your skills and employability in the cyber security field. You can be working towards any eligible qualification ranging from a Certificate III to a Master’s Degree, either full time or part time.
If you are already studying or looking to enrol in a cyber-related qualification, the ADF can offer you generous financial support. You’ll also gain exposure to cyber activities and experiences during the Defence Cyber Conference which will provide you with valuable insight into how you can help protect Australia’s online systems and information.

During this 12-month program you will receive:
• financial support
o course fee reimbursement up to $15,000
o academic allowance totalling $2,500
o textbooks and stationery costs of $600
• mentoring from ADF cyber specialists
• access to online cyber skills modules and cyber skills challenges
• exposure to cyber activities and experiences during the week-long Defence Cyber Conference held in September in Canberra
• professional membership to the Australian Computer Society
• information on careers within the ADF, Defence APS, Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) and other Government agencies.

The ADF Cyber Gap Program is for Australian citizens who are living in Australia. If you are currently studying or plan on studying one of the cyber-related qualification, and will be enrolled by 1 March 2023, you should consider applying.

We are looking for people who are passionate about cyber security and enthusiastic about turning their skills into a career supporting the ADF.
You can be studying either part or full-time towards any eligible qualification at the following levels:
• Certificate III
• Certificate IV
• Diploma
• Advanced Diploma
• Associate Degree
• Bachelor’s degree
• Graduate Certificate
• Graduate Diploma
• Master’s Degree.

The ADF Cyber Gap Program runs for 12 months. You need to be studying for the duration of the program.

Young Endeavor Sailing Opportunity

Join a crew of young Australians and embark on a life-changing journey – learning not only how to sail a square-rigged tall ship, but how to lead, support others and work together as a team. It’s a personal development opportunity unlike any other! If you’re aged 16-23 and ready to sail into the unknown, Young Endeavour is the adventure for you.

Be prepared to face your fears, push yourself out of your comfort zone and discover how you rise to the challenges you face. By the end of the voyage you and your fellow youth crew will take command of tall ship Young Endeavour and put your new skills to the test.

Please note this program has a significant cost and if a student decides to apply and participate it is at the cost to the Family.
There are some scholarships available – see website.

Ms Rose Coorey, Career Counsellor

Work Experience Term 4

Please note the final allocated Work Experience block this year is:
Mon 28th November – Fri 2nd December (Week 7, Term 4)
Mon 5th December – Fri 9th December (Week 8, Term 4).
Please Note: No placement can be take place after this date, as placements cannot be authorised during the Christmas Holidays.

Students must return the completed Workplace Learning Agreement Form and the Work, Health & Safety Checklist to Ms Tidd nikki.tidd@smc.sa.edu.au in the LEC by Week 4 (Friday 11th November). Students will then be booked in for a risk assessment with either Ms De Young (VET Placements) or Mr Viz (Careers Placements) once the forms have been returned. This must take place prior to the student undertaking the placement. A work experience placement cannot be authorised or covered by the College’s insurance unless all paperwork and preparation has been completed prior to the placement. Work Experience Students who do not meet the Week 4 deadline may have to rearrange their placement for next year.

Mr Anthony Vizaniaris – Student Counsellor